2 nov. 2008

période d'examen est ennuyeux...

Ça fait longtemps tout le monde, it seems quite dusty here.. It's been quite a few weeks, just too lazy to get myself to type up stuff. Anyway, it's been 2 days since I've been feeling fed up with reading text.. and just been speculating movies, animation and what not... sigh, instead of feeling stress. My boredom just builds up and get the better of me. Exams haven't started for me yet, it's this coming Wednesday and ends the Wednesday after that with Japonais! Simple, I hope. Whats worse is that I have a clash on Wednesday the 5th of November for Intro. to Finance and Français. Probably just think that the date for one of the exam will just be adjusted to another day but monash had to be queer and made some rule.

"In order to allow you to be able to sit both exams, one of your examinations has been moved tothe other session on the same day, as reflected on your personal exam timetable. This is known as a 'clash' of exams, and, to ensure the integrity of the exam paper is maintained, you must be supervised throughout the day.

AFC2100 9:30am 5 November Caulfield Racecourse, Ground Floor, Clash Area Seat Number: 2 (Hey I'm not the only one :D)
FRN1020 2:30pm 5 November As above

PLEASE NOTE: You will NOT be allowed to leave the examination room between exams. Accordingly you should bring your lunch. Youwill be allowed to study for your second exam over the lunch break, therefore you will need to bring any study materials you may require with you. However, this excludes the use of electronic equipment such as lap-top computers, as these may be used as a meansof wire-less communication. The use of mobile phones is also disallowed."

As you can see, I'm stuck there for 7 hours. The whole day. Yes, whole day at the exams! Woot! I'm so hyped up for this NOT! I should bring an eski of ingredients to make an epic lunch or something.. :(! Probably should stock up on cake.. mm. I guess I am not really fuss about it since I'm never fussed about the exams anyway.. just this is really めんどうくさい.. Timeto turn this entry for the purpose of this blogspot!

To dust off some cobwebs from this foodblog, I have sort of made a rough plan of what to do after I finish exams:
  • Bake weekly to make up for the lack of baking for past year :(
  • Teach myself basic of french pâtisserie
  • Bake a birthday cake for Feng and David(Wang)
  • Bake christmas cakes as presents ;)
  • Find more cafés
  • Find more jobs (barista, bartender, patissier)
  • Shopping hahah
  • Join Army Reserves :)
  • Control alcohol consumption
  • Gym&Cardio more -> Lose weight/get ripped :D
  • Nov 29th Rye trip <> Feb 8th Queensland
Today Yesterday was also me Mother's **th Birthday. Spent quite a nice dinner at Goshen on Kingsway. I'm even surprised we finished 5 dishes.. jab chae is a must for me everytime now! We got her a pair of heels, coco chanel perfume and cake! I must say, the lady who reconmended the flourless chocolate cake failed me quite bad. The cake was good with chocolate until the taste of rum hit. consisted of too much rum, which made it quite bitter. I think I'll go back to the strawberry pavlova..

Joyeux Anniversaire, Ma Mère!
flourless gâteau au chocolat (I should've asked what was in it >_<;;)
millefeuille et tarte aux fruits
Ma famille!

6 commentaires:

Indi a dit…

your mummy is 46! haha she's still so young.
that exam timetable is horrible... yes you must make sure you bring a lot of yummy cakes to cheer yourself up.
i'm up for cafe searching when exams are done. i finish on the 19th!

Anonyme a dit…

i have to be at the racecourse for a whole day too! 2 exams in one day. But being supervised sucks, at least i can leave!

cake, yum yum.

Ritzy a dit…

ZAAARGGH!! 2 exams in one day is horrible.. i had that last semester..bleh trapped in the stupid hall..

but at least it makes ya revise!! =]


psst. i wanna taste more of ya baking goodness ^^

Feng a dit…

Woah! I get a cake?! YAYYY! *feels special* I want to help with the catch-up baking!:D

I want to start Gymming tooooo... or at least partake in some form of exercise. LOL, I think I need it.:( I need motivation!

Good luck with Exam Day!OAO

Indi a dit…

HAHA peter! why am i a didgeridoo? i didn't know i was an aboriginal!

JLOW a dit…

i stopped dancing like 2 years ago..