7 mai 2008


Bonjour mes amis,

Okay, here is my first proper post. Hi, I'm your newest family member to the blogspot family. My other general blogging site is www.xanga.com/gtfopp. I remembered yesterday morning that I had blogspot account sitting somewhere in cyberspace while having cereal, waiting for Vince to arrive。 And here it is, all refurnished. Ready to go!

Oh don't mind me, de temps en temps, je faire écrire en français et japonais. For studying purposes, it's really basic so it'll be easy to figure out :).

Why blogspot? Is it because I want to be cool like all you other peeps?
The answer is no :P, joking.. i lubs you! This blog will be about food & lifestyle.
Sharing my experiences with food and everything related, the positifs and negatifs.. hopefully the positive outweighs. I'll be posting new places to dine, new menus, cooking in the kitchen.. everything. If only I had taken my camera for previous stuff then this blog would be off on its way!

Too bad that most of the stuff won't derive from my kitchen since I don't even have a working oven haha! sigh.. But never fear!
I have a cooking buddy..

Feng. My いもうと. She's a happy youngling!
Very good at drawing, checkout her blogspot(noteandkey).

Yes I know this picture is a tad weird, but, that's Feng

You drew it yourself, so you can't blame me haha!
should I post the Gaara(Gadara) version..?

I guess you can say, I've somewhat been inspired by other food bloggers. Especially by B
éa (La Tartine Gourmande), a french food stylist/photographer/writer, who is "obsessed with cooking, eating, sampling new ingredients, styling and photographing food". I love her photographs and recipes especially the dessert menus. It has totally broaden my mind about how you can craft any ingredients into anything magnifique. Never waste food, i must say!

In the meantime, welcome and hope you enjoy the journey.
I hope to see new & familiar people loitering around here ;P.

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